PART LVI: The Concept of “Race” Is it Valid? Is it Fair?; Part 1

Introduction Key words: race, racism, racialization, racial classification, racial/ethnic classification, classification, public health research, public health, monitoring, public health research What comes to mind when you hear the word “race”? Grab a piece of paper and pen or pencil and jot down words or phrases that the word “race” evokes. Nearly 165 years since the […]

Part: LV Selected Laws of Astronomy and Physics

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English physicist and mathematician, who was the culminating figure of the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century. In optics, his discovery of the composition of white light integrated the phenomena of colours into the science of light and laid the foundation for modern physical optics. In mechanics, his three laws of motion, the basic principles of modern physics, resulted in the formulation of the law of universal gravitation. […]

PartLIII: The Eugenics Movement; Bad Science

The major focus of Essay LIII is the historical development of pedigree charts, their purpose, and how they have been used by misguided individuals to promote racial injustice.  Simple genealogical charts have been around for centuries. Bacteria, fungi and other living organismswith short life cycles serve as excellent subjects for genetic studies for obvious reasons. […]

Part LII: Meiosis, Mendel’s Principles, Representations

In the last essay (Part LI), we found that Mendel’s brilliant work was lost for some thirty two years. The April 1900 issue of Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft (Reports of the German Botanical Society), University of Amsterdam’s botany professor Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) reported that he had previously discovered the same principles of heredity that […]

PART L The Arctic’s Image is Changing from Rugged to Fragile (with special dedication)

I dedicate this essay to the memory of a long time friend, Gary Anderson (since kindergarten and Sunday School–nearly three quarters of a century ago) We both played trumpet in band, often playing duets at Christmas Eve and Easter Services, were confirmed together at Zion Lutheran Church, loved sports (especially the Chicago Cubs) played intramurals […]